Update for Retiree Healthcare Participants

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Update for Retiree Healthcare Participants

Postby cdillon » Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:42 pm

From: Michalene [mailto:Michalene@krislovlaw.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 12:26 PM
Cc: Clint; Ken; Ro
Subject: FW: Update for Retiree Healthcare Participants - Pending Motions and 2012 Reconciliation Calculation

Dear Participants,

Below is an update on the retiree healthcare matter from Attorney Clinton Krislov, and attached are the Korshak 2012 reconciliation refund charts.

From: Clint
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 10:47 AM
Subject: Update for Retiree Healthcare Participants - Pending Motions and 2012 Reconciliation Calculations

Pending motions before federal Judge Holderman.

With the end of the year coming soon, we went before Judge Holderman this morning with a motion to accelerate his decision on our request for a preliminary injunction while the case is pending.

Our purpose was to get his attention, since he had previously indicated that he would address the City’s motion to dismiss, before dealing with Class Certification and the Preliminary Injunction, but had not ruled yet, on any of the major early issues in the case.

We certainly now have his attention, and he has promised a ruling by the end of the week. While he did not indicate which of the briefed issues he will deal with, we will certainly have something to report at week’s end.

2012 Reconciliation under the Korshak settlement.

In the meantime, we have received results of the audit of the city's reconciliation for the 2012 expenditures, and it looks like most of you will be receiving another reconciliation check in the next month or so, calculated by the monthly amounts listed in the attached spreadsheets.

To estimate your refund (which should be sent by the City by the end of January), you need to look at both pages. The first page calculates the overcharges for January through June 2012, the second page calculates the overcharges for July through December 2012.

Find your retirement date category columns at the top of the page, then your medicare status on the left side, then read across to the third column under your retirement date. Roughly, the refunds for every category are about equal to one month’s premium.

For example: a pre-8/23/89 retiree who has coverage for both retiree and spouse, but both are not medicare (“non non”) was charged $197 per month, and will receive a refund of $10 per month for January-June 2012. For July-December 2012, the same couple was charged $205 per month, and will receive a refund of $18 per month. So, the total should be $10 multipled by 6 months, plus $18 multiplied by 6 months; total refund $168.

Another example: Retiree after 7/1/05 with 10-14 years’ service, two non-medicare with children should receive a refund of ($116 x 6) + ($44 x 6) = $696 + 264 = $960!

We are proud of having obtained these for you from the Korshak litigation, and hope we’ll have good news to report later this week.

Either way the court’s decision goes, we have a long battle ahead. As before, we suggest that retirees contribute one year’s reconciliation payment to our war chest for this battle. However, the amount you choose to contribute, or not, is entirely your choice.

We’ll be back to you again shortly after we receive Judge Holderman’s ruling later this week.



Clint Krislov

Krislov & Associates, Ltd.

Civic Opera Building, Suite 1300

20 North Wacker Drive

Chicago, Illinois 60606

Telephone: 312-606-0500

Facsimile: 312-606-0207

Website: http://www.krislovlaw.com/

Email: clint@krislovlaw.com
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