Hearing on Retiree Health Insurance Costs

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Hearing on Retiree Health Insurance Costs

Postby billdolan » Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:01 pm

To all retirees. The FOP and RCPA have two buses leaving from FOP to the Federal building for the Hearing on retiree health insurance costs. The hearing is on December 10th at 930am. The buses will leave at 830 am. Clint Krislov our attorney is requesting retiree's attend the hearing so the Judges can see the people affected by their ruling. FOP is at 1412 W.Washington and parking is available at Plumbers Hall just east of FOP. We will have coffee and donuts before we leave so come early. Other retired city employees are welcome. The raises in health care costs affect us all. It is anticipated that the hearing should be over at about 1030 hrs. The assigned judge starts on time.
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