Letter to Krislov & Assoc., Ltd

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Letter to Krislov & Assoc., Ltd

Postby cdillon » Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:27 am

Clint Krislov

Krislov & Associates, Ltd

Civic Opera Building, Suite 1300

20 North Wacker Drive

Chicago, Illinois, 60606

Dear Michalene,

I wanted to bring Mr. Krislov attention to something the city of Chicago is now apparently doing to the retirees prescription health care if you were not aware. Since the first of the year as you might be already aware of the City of Chicago has doubled the payments to our health care from well over two hundred dollars beside being on Medicare to now over four hundred dollars per month. I am a retired Chicago 27 year Police Officer and I have COPD (Chronic obstruction pulmonary decease) which will someday be a hard way to die because it does not get any better and only worse. I found that upon a visit to my pulmonary doctor last week and after a breathing chamber test he found that I have worsened and decided to change my inhaler medication. My current medication not to boor you and only if any further inquiries was necessary was trade name Combivent 20mcg and Asmanex 22 mcg, he decided to change the inhalers to trade name Sprirvia 2.5 mcg and Breo Ellipta 100/25 mcg. When this prescription was forwarded to Caremark mail order through my Physician was denied saying that it was not in my prescription group that I was paying for and that is not controlled by Caremark but by the City of Chicago. The Sprivia inhaler medication was ordered and send by Caremark mail order to me, but denying me the Breo Ellipta medication. After calling Caremark customer service and verifying that it was denying because it was outside the current group that the city of Chicago has assigned to us retirees. I was peeved that after doubling out health insurance that it was more of Emanuel’s doing to spend more money on things unnecessary that to try and make him look good at the cost to the Chicago Police retirees. I was also wondering is the City of Chicago classifies actual insurance coverage by Active and Retiree now as far any reduction in benefits. The reason for this email was questioning if this was falling into the contractual paragraph in the State of Illinois Constitution to diminish and impair. Thank you for your time in this matter please let me know that you have received this. Any questions I can be reached at the below information.

Joseph P. Carone

Cell: 312-805-0273

Home: 708-479-9266


CC: Chicago FOP Lodge 7, Dean Angelo

Member #13333

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