Anti-retired proposal at FOP general meeting 17 Sept 19 at 1

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Anti-retired proposal at FOP general meeting 17 Sept 19 at 1

Postby cdillon » Sat Sep 14, 2019 10:31 am

The September FOP general meeting is 17 Sept 19 at 1200 hours. This is the month By-Laws are voted on. AGAIN there is another anti-retiree proposal. The proposal in question would limit members from serving more than four (4) terms on the FOP board. This By-Law would be legal on its own but they want to make retroactive to the formation of Lodge 7. The effect would be to remove about 6 trustees all of whom are retirees.

If you are read the second city blog you see many comments that they would give up the COLA to get rid of the residency requirement. It’s the retirees that add suitability to this board. This was proposed by a officer who will be running for president of the lodge. He has run many times before and has never won an election. Its not his first attempt to remove retirees from the board.

This By-Law was passed by the By-Law Committee but voted down by the full FOP board 16-9. Two retirees actually voted to accept the By-Law (Donahue and Dougherty). Remember those names come election time! All retirees are not equal. We need more worker bees and less good time Charlie’s!

This By-Law may still may come to a vote at the General Meeting. So anyone who could make the meeting would be appreciated. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served. Parking is tight so car pool and let the guy/gal who is most ambulatory drive and drop the others at the door.

Good news with Aetna Insurance the rates will drop $10 next year and we will gain Silver Sneakers, Optical, and $2000 for hearing aides every two years. More info to follow.

Have a great day and stay safe!

Paul Vitaioli
Member FOP Retirement Committee
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