Officer looking for info on his father

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Officer looking for info on his father

Postby cdillon » Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:07 pm

Good afternoon,
My name is Robert Stephens. I am a retired California Highway Patrol Sergeant, Badge 10174. I'm also a Reserve Police Officer in the City of Bishop, California.
My Father, Mathias Moser was an Officer in the Chicago area prior to 1984. He passed away June 12, 1984. I recently learned that he is my biological Father, and I'm hoping you can give me some basic information on his career.
I'm attaching a photo I have of him in uniform, which shows his ID # 11120.
Can you tell me his dates of service?
Which District he patrolled in?
What his rank was?
Any information you can give me is very much appreciated.
Robert Stephens

Shawn Stephens
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