Trustee Mike Lappe

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Trustee Mike Lappe

Postby cdillon » Tue Sep 07, 2021 12:34 pm

Dear Retiree,

Over the past several months many of you have been encouraging me to respond to negative comments that have been posted by Ro G. and her pension accountability group attacking myself and Tom Beyna. I could write volumes of hurtful information that so many retired officers have told me about Ro's short tenure in the 24th district, but I'm not going down this road. I will stay with the facts concerning this election and be brief. Ro is the self proclaimed watchdog of the pension fund. She would know after receiving what I would consider to be very questionable disability benefit. Let's take note that she was well enough to travel, move to Las Vegas, sell real estate and enjoy life on the pension funds dime. Ro paid around $13,500 into the fund. Ro collected to this date $1,300.000. (not bad) that's over 1 million dollars! Ro orchestrated her agenda by falsely through social media stating the Fund is broke, causing retiree's anguish into believing games over. Ro has no pension experience what-so-ever. Ro hired a firm to spin their take on the Fund in a false and negative format. All the FOIA's that were requested by this firm counted as their "forensic audit" which any person could have done them self. (which leads me to ask; where's the $24,000 Ro collected for this audit?) In closing, I'm just hope that the core of retired members who bought into Ro's self-serving scheme to unseat Tom and myself realize that her platform has been nothing but lies and at your expense, monetary and emotionally. NOTE: Please read Tom Beyna's articles. Tom sets the financial record straight and crafted the articles so those may understand the financial status of the fund which made it a much easier read.

Thank You

Mike Lappe
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Posts: 1024
Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:44 pm

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