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RCPA Election of Officers

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:55 pm
by cdillon
On June 1st there was an election of officers for the Retired Chicago Police Association.

President: Harold Brown

1st Vice President: Donald Januszyk

2nd Vice President: Cornelius Dillon

Treasurer: Ronald Topczewski

Secretary: Richard Tufano

Sergeant at Arms: Steve Marshfield


Joseph Battaglia

Bill Burns

Erika Clark

Clarence Heerdt

Coralyn Hudak

Joseph Mescall

Russell Schaefer

Ronald Shogren

Our next meeting will be on Sunday August 17th at 1 PM at the 1st district in the community room. We are always happy to see new retirees, pizza will be served after the meeting.

September 28th is the date for our Harrington’s Corn Beef Dinner it will be held at the FOP hall cocktails 5 to 6 call the Retirees office for more information 773-763-5310.

The RCPA would like to congratulate Dean Angelo and the FOP board on their recent election and wish them well