Must attend September meeting of FOP

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Must attend September meeting of FOP

Postby cdillon » Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:19 am

Harold I sent this to Paul for his email distribution.

Paul as a co-chair of the Retiree Committee along with myself, John Dineen, and Bill Nolan we are the watchdogs for the retirees. As you remember just a few short years ago a by-law changed was proposed to take away voting rights from retirees. That was soundly rejected from the floor by a great showing at that meeting by retirees.

A by-law change was proposed this year to limit the number of retirees on the board of directors. It was ruled unconstitutional by the Constitution and By-Law Committee as it should have. But I believe that there will be a motion from the floor and hopefully that will not pass. I am asking for the retirees to come out in mass to defeat any motion from the floor.

I would ask that September be entitled "welcome to the retirees month" for the future. If the retirees could make one meeting a year let’s make it the September meeting. The weather is good and the snow birds are still in town. If you have a son or daughter on the job please bring them too. It’s about time to start training the next group of flag bearers.

That being said I would hope for more active participation from working police officers. Every election cycle the number of officers who are eligible to run fo office is pitifully small. I understand that with the great overtime opportunities now afforded to the active officers (VRI etc.) that is very hard to get officers to come to meetings or do committee work for almost minimum wage.

But the biggest threat to ALL of us is the erosion of our pension and health care benefits. We ALL need to work together.

Tom Lonergan

Co-Chair Retiree Committee
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