Message from President Harold Brown

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Message from President Harold Brown

Postby cdillon » Mon May 09, 2016 6:06 pm

As President of the Retired Chicago Police Officer Association (RCPA), I want to report to our membership and to all other Chicago Police Officers that Sun Times reporter Fran Spielman contacted our offices on Monday 09 May 16. She stated that she was interested in a recent statement in the RCPA’s Newsletter regarding SB-777. My response to her was that we have “No Comment”, and that the Retiree Board would be meeting soon to further discuss this legislation. At her insistence for further clarification , our only statement was that we understood that SB-777 was to be accompanied by a trailer Bill that would include an actual Chicago-based casino. We have since learned that was in fact never the case.

What is being reported in the Sun-Times by reporter Fran Spielman regarding RCPA’s position on SB-777 is totally inaccurate and false. I tried in vain to approach Ms. Spielman that her take on our conversation was in fact not what she communicated, but she refused to retract my part of her story. This experience is yet another example of why law enforcement officers are reluctant to share any information with the media. It should come as a 'lesson learned' for all of us who might think that it is a good idea to speak to anyone in the media.

As the President of the RCPA, I apologize for not heeding my own advise by speaking to the media on this matter. Furthermore, my intention of this message is to head off any further confusion related to SB-777.

Harold Brown President

Retired Chicago Police Association
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Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:44 pm

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