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Postby cdillon » Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:37 pm

"We Need Your Help"
- Ray Hunt, President
Houston Police Officers Association

To Our Brother & Sister Officers:

As you know the City of Houston is in the midst of a catastrophe like we have never seen before. The scope of the damage will not be determined for weeks, maybe longer. We have already lost so much including Sgt. Steve Perez, a 34-year veteran of the Houston PD, who drowned in his car trying to get to work at 4 am in the morning on Sunday, August 27th.

So many of you have reached out to ask how you can help and we are very grateful. Right now sending money to assist those officers who lost their homes and/or vehicles is the most helpful for us. We ask that you send donations to "Assist the Officer, Inc." a 501 (C)3 charity established 30 years ago in Houston to provide aid to law enforcement people during these kinds of disasters. ( There is a link on the site for Harvey Relief.

I can assure you that 100% of whatever you send will go directly to Houston-area law enforcement people who have suffered severe losses from the floods. Upon request we will be happy to provide you with a complete report on donations and expenditures if you need it.

We will keep you updated on the situation as it progresses and please accept our heartfelt thanks for whatever you can do to help us. If you have suffered a loss in this terrible incident, please just send your prayers.

Make your check out to: Assist the Officer, Inc. . Indicate on the check that the donation is for "Hurricane Harvey Relief for Law Enforcement"
Mail your check to 1600 State Street, Houston, TX 77007

Thank you and God bless.

Ray Hunt, President
Houston Police Officers’ Union
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