Reporter needs help on mental help service in CPD

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Reporter needs help on mental help service in CPD

Postby cdillon » Mon Nov 18, 2019 10:24 am

I am Kari McMahon , a reporter at Medill reports news service. I am working on a story about mental health services within the Chicago Police Department, exploring the benefits and challenges of EAP & peer support programs as well as exploring the wider context of police mental health. I would love to speak with a retired police officer for this story who may be interested in speaking on the issues. Would it possible to check if there is anyone interested from this organization?

While it would be ideal, for the credibility of the story, to identify the source by name, I recognize the sensitivity of these topics and would work to set ground rules to protect the individuals identity, if that is preferred. I'm committed to doing this story carefully and thoughtfully and would be happy to answer any questions you have about the story or my approach.

Many Thanks In Advance,
Kari McMahon

Kari McMahon
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