Message from Mike Lappe

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Message from Mike Lappe

Postby cdillon » Sat Oct 02, 2021 2:38 pm

From: Michael Lappe

Good Morning,
I would be honored if you please pass on this information to those in your network of contacts. I will have more information a little later today to share with you. 
I have been left with no choice but to counter all of the attacks on myself and the pension fund as well. My opponent has made it her mission to pay a former pension trustee to put his own spin on our current pension status. There is no base or logical conclusion that has been published. What was published is one person's opinion who was again, paid to paint the fund as gloom and doom. 

Subject: pension election Mike Lappe

Dear Retiree's and Widows,
As several of you may or may not know, myself and Board president Tom Bayna have been under attack by my opponent Ro G--- who In my opinion falsely led members into believing that the pension fund would go broke tomorrow. Could not even come close to this. The fund saw an increase of an additional 1.1 percent. currently (23.1%). Ro G-- also paid a person who is not a Certified Public Account or an independent auditor to craft his opinion and then paid another $3,000 to the media blogger to publish his opinion which he called a forensic audit which consisted of FOIA request only. This guy in the first line of the attached invoice stated that he will provide a report to Ro G's--- benefit.
Also attached is a document that was public record showing Ro G-- and her financial mismanagement and reckless spending which landed her in Federal Bankruptcy court. Do you want a person with this baggage and no experience to oversee your money?
Another point of interest, Ro G--- and I were asked to have a debate by the FOP and the Retired Police Association. She refused all. I would have asked her what foundation of education does she have in public finance? Guess we will never know.
Lastly, if Tom and I were to be unseated, two of the city trustees would then assume the president and vice president positions. Which means; if you voted for Ro G---, then you just gave city hall your's, mine and ours CHICAGO POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND! So think twice! You have skin in the game and I hope that you would want your monthly benefit to continue.
Myself and Tom have been staunch stewarts of the pension fund and will continue to do so.
So I'm asking for your support to represent all the annuitant's and widows.
Thank You and pass this message along.
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