Looking for information on Sgt. Gerald West

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Looking for information on Sgt. Gerald West

Postby cdillon » Sun May 14, 2023 9:04 am

---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Gregory Arendt <gregoryarendt@yahoo.com>
> To: corneliusdillon@retiredchicagopoliceassoc.com
> Date: 05/13/2023 5:34 PM
> Subject: Personal Inquiry
> Hello,
> My name is Greg Arendt I’m 35 I was born in 1987. This is a very strange Email to send for that I apologize. I found out when I was 15 my biological father was a sergeant for Chicago Police Department. My mom is recovering drug addict so It did cross my mind that it could all be a lie, but The name and time of service does match up. Sergeant Gerald West, He worked district 024 from 1967 - 1994. Through years of research that little bit of detail Is all that I been able to obtain. Could not even find a picture.
> I’m not sure if there is anything you would be able to do but I’m hoping find out something about him. If not I do understand.
> Best Regards
> Gregory Arendt
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