ATTENTION all members of The Chicago Police Detectives Association!
As most of you are aware, President Al Jaglowski passed away a few months ago. Our prayers continue to be said for his family.
Unfortunately, the family has been unable to retrieve the Chicago Police Detective Association information from Al’s computer therefore there is no way to contact all the members of the Association.
Retired Detectives Anne Chambers and Steve Brownfield are trying to reconstruct Al’s list but need the help of all the current and future members of the Association. As of right now, Anne and Steve would like to continue the tradition of the yearly Christmas Party. But in order to get the word out, it is necessary to have email addresses for the mailings.
Steve Brownfield
Anne Chambers
Because so many of you are on some of the daily obit websites, Facebook pages, etc., a request is being made that you contact Steve and/or Anne with your current email information to get the ball rolling. And please, pass the information on to your co-workers. As you can imagine, everything is in flux, so your patience is truly appreciated!
Any questions can be directed to Steve or Anne at the above email addresses.