Writer needs help

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Writer needs help

Postby cdillon » Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:27 pm

Request by fiction writer for help with police procedures in 1980
Laura Jenski
1/2/2020 2:46 PM

I imagine your organization gets many requests from fiction writers asking for help with police procedures. I am one of those authors! I have written a mystery set in 1980 and 1950s Chicago (my home town, though I live out West now) and need help with details such as: where cold case or archived police files would be kept, language for radio communications, and what facilities specific stations would have had in 1980. Do you have any members who may be willing to either answer some questions by email or phone, or read some excerpts of my novel and comment on what is or is not accurate. Even though the story is fiction, I would like the representation of police activities to be credible. My plan is to have this book in publication by sometime this spring.

Thank you very much for considering my request, and Happy New Year.

Laura Jenski
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