British Nat'l Assoc. of Retired Police Officers

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British Nat'l Assoc. of Retired Police Officers

Postby cdillon » Tue May 31, 2011 2:34 pm

From: ALAN Paul <>
Subject: British National Association of Retired Police Officers says hello to Chicago Retired Police Association
Date: Monday, May 30, 2011, 7:11 PM

Hello from a former english bobby,

I am the social secretary and news letter editor for the Cambridgehsire Branch of the British National Association of Retired Police Officers. (NARPO) Our National Association has over 80,000 members and 111 branches. My branch being one of the 111 spread across 43 different Police Forces ( Departments) .

I note on your website that your Association has the same aims and objectives as our, ie; welfare and pensions. I have contacted Chicago as I visited your great city in 1991 on an officer exchange, four of us were hosted by Rosemont Police and we visited Chicago Police HQ and met many officers during our visit. Following our visit officers from both countries travelled over the pond and spent time learning and socialising. I remain in contact with my host despite both being retired for several years now.

If I can request that you kindly publish this in your next newsletter with a request that your members can exchange e mails with members of my Association. I would be very happy to publish stories from the past and share the ways in which we support our members and former colleagues.

My e mail address is for your members to make intitial contact. I would then forward on to my retired Police Officer members with similar background/interest.

I publish four newsletters per year with the next one due in September.

Best wishes

Police Constable 755 Alan Paul (retired 1999 after 30 years service)

Editor CNN (Cambridgeshire NARPO News)
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Posts: 1087
Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:44 pm

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